The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

Seven Weeks Round Two

This week wasn’t as crazy as last. It was the 4th of July, so we had a short week. We went to Jimmy’s parents’ house near North Myrtle SC. We put B in a t-shirt that said Only Child Big Brother. They noticed immediately! It was great being there for the weekend. I felt nauseous […]

This week wasn’t as crazy as last. It was the 4th of July, so we had a short week. We went to Jimmy’s parents’ house near North Myrtle SC. We put B in a t-shirt that said Only Child Big Brother. They noticed immediately!

It was great being there for the weekend. I felt nauseous pretty much nonstop, so it was wonderful to have help with Bennett. And I could take naps, sleep in, go to bed early. It was a fun low-key holiday weekend.

Then, the day I was obsessing over. Monday, our first ultrasound. I have never prayed more in my life. But, thank you Lord, we saw a baby with a healthy strong heartbeat!

Tuesday, was our home inspection. This also went great! We have a “solid house.” There were only a couple minor things, some plumbing leaks around a sink, a toilet ring that needs to be replaced, some window springs that should be replaced, and then finally, the HVAC. The homeowners were into tech things and have their whole house on Google nest. Which means, all the thermostats are digital Nest ones. Great. Except, we cannot test the new upper HVAC unit. The thermostat keeps giving an error message. So, either the nest isn’t working, or the HVAC isn’t working. Either way, we’re having a specialist come by Friday because we have to verify the unit works.

For both Monday and Tuesday, I took Bennett to a drop-in daycare place. It was amazing! Being able to focus at the doctor’s appointment and the home inspection was worth every penny. And, he had a blast! He did not want to leave either day. This is such a cool concept for SAHMs who need a couple hours for themselves.


How far along? 7 Weeks

How big is baby? The size of a blueberry

Total weight gain/loss: holding steady so -2 overall

Maternity clothes? No but I only feel confident in two pairs of shorts and flowy tops

Sleep: More tired than last week. I wish I could nap each day when Bennett does. But, I work during his nap time. Also, HE DOESN’T NAP. That’s another story for another day.

Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on that ultrasound. And the little flickering heart <3

Movement: I think I’d be alarmed if I did feel anything

Food cravings: Raisinets, sour candy, Ginger Ale.

Food Aversions: Pizza. Fries. Fast food of all types. Basically if the meal isn’t homemade by your grandma, I won’t be able to keep it down.

Gender: I cannot wait to find this out.

Labor Signs: N/A

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I am tired and nauseous all the time. I throw up a couple times a week or day depending on what I eat.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Keeping my eyes open

What I am looking forward to: My parents visiting next week

Upcoming appointments/events:  2nd appointment is 8/5

Weekly Wisdom: Embrace screen time for your toddler when pregnant. The name of the game is survival. You can go back to crafts and reading someday.

Milestones: Healthy heartbeat!
